Voting is under way in Baby of the Year competition
Calling proud parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles - it's time to get voting in our Baby of the Year competition.

More than 750 babies and toddlers posed in front of the camera for the contest and now you choose your winner.
Over the course of two weeks photographer Andrea Powell and the Express & Star team snapped hundreds of pictures of your little ones at intu Merry Hill.
They were also busy at the Mander Centre in Wolverhampton with Wolves mascot Wolfie popping along to meet young fans.
Last week the picture perfect youngsters featured in our bumper 24-page supplement, which can also be viewed online at, and we launched the voting period.
Voting tokens will be printed in the Express & Star until Saturday, October 13.
Some days will also feature bumper bonus tokens, with quadruple token editions, and even 10 available to collect on other days so don't miss out on these.
There are some serious prizes on offer across four age categories, and a special bonus for the overall winner.
There will be a £500 prize for the winner in each of the following categories – nought to nine months, 10 to 18 months, 19 to 35 months, and three to five years – and a £250 bonus for the overall winner.
Once you’ve picked your winner, cut out the special vote tokens and complete a Voting Tokens Return Form.
If you wish,tokens can be sent in batches or together in one envelope after the last one has been printed, but a form must be included each time you send them in.
You may, if you wish, vote for more than one child. Just indicate on the form how many tokens you want to allocate to each one, up to a maximum of five children per form. The deadline for returning tokens is October 19.
We will also accept votes by SMS from October 1 – make sure you pick up your copy of your Express & Star for full details on how to vote by text.
The winner of each category will be the child who receives the most votes.
The winners will be notified and announced in the Express & Star and on the newspaper website during the week commencing October 29.