Express & Star

Cygnets in Walsall are no ugly ducklings

In the children's fairytale the baby swan is called an ugly duckling – but there's nothing remotely disagreeable about these adorable cygnets.

The newly hatched cygnets and their mother on the nest at Swan Pool

The fluffy fledglings, born just days ago at a wildlife oasis in Walsall, were captured on camera by amateur photographer Steve Kendrick who lives locally and had been watching out for their arrival.

The newly hatched cygnets and their mother on the nest at Swan Pool

The chicks were born at Swan Pool in Stubbers Green, Shelfield, which is policed by volunteers from Swan Patrol who try to ensure the bird life at the nature reserve is protected from predators and vandals, especially in the breeding season between May and July.

"Being a keen wildlife photographer, I was kindly told by Ann, of Swan Patrol, that the swans' eggs were hatching so, as soon as I finished work, I jumped into my car and drove over there," said Steve.

"The pen (female) was sat on the nest so I had to wait a while but I wasn’t disappointed as you can see from my photo."

The newly hatched cygnets and their mother on the nest at Swan Pool

Swan Patrol have most recently been campaigning to have speed bumps installed on Stubbers Green Road, close to the pool, after several geese and cygnets have been killed by speeding motorists.

Steve, who took the image on a Canon 700D camera with a Sigma 150-500mm lens, said: "I'm really pleased with the picture, it was well worth the wait."