Express & Star

Hotel plan for old Wolverhampton car dealership rejected

Plans to transform derelict land into a two-storey hotel and 1,000-capacity function halls have been rejected.

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Developers still hope to transform the derelict land

The ‘unkempt’ land in Blakenhall, which used to house a Volvo car dealership and bowling green, was earmarked for the development.

But Wolverhampton council refused the proposals on Wednesday, forcing developers to submit a revised application.

In a letter to developers, the council said: “The proposal is an overdevelopment of the site due to a lack of car parking for a venue of this size.

"This is a major concern as a venue of this nature would result in an increase in visitor traffic, which would have a severe impact to the surrounding road network and the adjacent NHS facility.

“A usage of this size would also result in an adverse impact to the neighbouring amenity by way of noise disturbance from visitors or vehicles.”

Developers wanted to build a 600-capacity banqueting hall, along with a function hall for 400 guests at the site of the former Bridge Cross Garage.

A 30-bed hotel was also planned for the land, which sits at the junction of Dudley Road and Parkfield Road.

Proposals included spaces for 86 cars and six disabled spaces created, along with spaces for motorbikes and bicycles on the bowling green.

The plans were not welcomed by The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust, which claimed the development would place ‘pressure’ on its neighbouring Phoenix Health Centre.

But developers have now abandoned hopes of the 400-capacity function hall and want to progress with just the banqueting hall and hotel at the site.

It is expected the council’s planning committee will discuss the revised plans on May 22.