Microwave 'cement' prankster promises to thank Wolverhampton firefighters
An internet prankster who cemented his head in a microwave has promised he will find a way to thank the firefighters who rescued him.

Jay Swingler, from Wolverhampton, had to have his head freed by emergency services in the viral video posted on YouTube and watched one million times in 24 hours.
West Midlands Fire Service were left ‘seriously unimpressed’ and there has been a flood of criticism over the stunt on social media.
But today the former pupil of Castle High School in Dudley said he was ‘appreciative’ of the fire service, who have confirmed they will not be charging Mr Swingler for the £650 call-out charge because his life was in danger.
And despite cooking up such a storm the blogger said he planned to continue his videos, which have so far seen him also take part in a hand-held firework shoot-out and have a bath in fake tan.
“I am so appreciative of the emergency services coming to help," the 22-year-old told the Express & Star.
"I’m definitely finding a way to properly thank the individuals that helped. I don’t know how I’m going to do that yet though.
WATCH the Polyfilla prank video here:
“I literally walked in my kitchen, saw the microwave, and saw some Polyfiller and thought it would be hilarious.”
He added: “I think the next video we’re going to make is going to be us making our own DIY rocket launcher.”
The videos are posted on Swingler's TGFBro channel and the latest stunt was filmed in a garage in Fordhouses.
Not only has it been watched by the YouTube community, but it has made news across the world, on the eve of the team introducing a clothes line from an online store, which launched last night.

“I have fun and get paid. It’s good,” Mr Swingler said.
In the videos, the pair wear clothing with the logo ‘OBD’, which stands for Obdurate.
Mr Swingler added: “Obdurate is a word that means you’re very stubborn to your actions and nothing changes can interfere with your motive.”
And asked what it was like to have his work shared around the world, he said: “It feels like there’s some of my inner fire released.”
Firefighters had to use screwdrivers to chip away dried Polyfilla away from around the head of Mr Swingler, after his friends tried and failed to free him.
Creative, wild, or downright dangerous?
For six years Jay Swingler and Romell Henry have been taking part in filmed stunts which are uploaded onto YouTube under the profile TGFBro.
From diving into a wheelie bin filled with iced coffee mixture to bathing in tub full of fake tan, dozens of the films are on the video-sharing channel, which has more than three million subscribers from around the world and has brought in revenue to the pair through on-site advertising.

And now the team have come up with their biggest stunt yet – Jay, 22, cementing his head inside a microwave oven in a garage in Fordhouses, Wolverhampton.
But despite needing firefighters from Fallings Park to come to the rescue, the prank does not seem to have ended the work of Mr Swingler and Mr Henry, who have vowed to carry out more stunts - the next a DIY rocket launcher.
The pair’s success marks the rise of YouTube stars, recognised as having a strong influence on young people. And their huge audiences offer advertisers with valuable platforms to market products and services.
While Jay Swingler jokes about earning £8.60 a month, some well-known stars such as English vlogger Zoella are able to make millions of pounds.

It means competition is rife between up-and-coming video makers who go to extremes to get the viewers.
Jay’s dangerous exploits are not the first in the Black Country; Ryan Taylor gained attention by cycling off a diving board at Gala Baths in Walsall.
And in recent years the allure of online fame and money from sponsorship revenue has led to a number of pranks with various mishaps.

Sarah Williams, principal teacher at the University of Wolverhampton’s business school, said: “There are two dangers – the first is the huge competition and the fact people will go to extremes to get the viewers.
“The second is the hidden danger. The fact that people will be known for something for potentially the rest of their lives.”
She added: “There is enormous potential to make money through spin-off products from the videos. As soon as you have 100,000 subscribers you can start to have advertising on YouTube, once they get that they can make money.
“And you can also get sponsorship through product placement.
“It is a way of getting 15 minutes of fame and making a lot of money.”