Community praised at inquest for attempts to find Bridgnorth farmer Andrew Green
A community which helped to search hundreds of acres for a missing Bridgnorth farmer have been praised at the inquest into his death.

The inquest was held into the death of Chorley farmer Andrew Green, aged 33, whose body was found on March 10.
Wide-scale searches of hundreds of acres were held by the family, police and community in the months after he went missing on June 22 last year, when he was last seen by his father and later by his former partner Harriet Perkins, who saw Mr Green driving away from the farm in his truck at about 8.50pm.

Senior Coroner John Ellery said at the inquest held yesterday in Shirehall, Shrewsbury: "Up until his death he lived with his partner Harriet Perkins and his two young children.
"It is sufficient to record at this stage that Andrew's relationship with Harriet Perkins had broken down.
"These are the last known sightings or contact with Andrew.
"He was reported missing the next morning by his father.
"It was not until March 10 that a member of the public was in an area near Billingsley called Sidbury Woods and found Andrew's body."
Mr Green had been in an inaccessible area, which would have made him difficult to find in the previous searches.
PC Matt Picken said: "We attended the farm and some searching had already taken place or was certainly taking place.
"I take my hat off to the community and family and friends who assisted in the searching.
"Hundreds of people came together and carried out searches with the police.
"Andrew's vehicle was found in Midwinter's Coppice, I would estimate no more than a mile from the farm, and had been left below an embankment so it was not visible from the road.
"I understand the family did search the area themselves."
Mr Ellery added: "It can't have been an accident, this must've been deliberate.
"In these circumstances I record a conclusion that Andrew did intend to kill himself."
Sam Green, Andrew's sister thanked the members of the public who helped with the search while Mr Green was missing.
She said: "We couldn't have searched the hundred of acres without friends and family, members of the public.
"Thanks to everyone who helped with searching, bringing food and drinks.
"The family miss Andrew a lot."