Driver flees high-speed crash scene in Halesowen
A motorist was fortunate to get out alive after the car he was driving careered at high speed into metal barriers on the side of the road and overturned.

The car veered on to the pavement in Grange Road, Halesowen, before smashing into the steel fence and becoming impaled.
The alert was raised by a passer-by but when emergency services arrived at the crash location just minutes later, the driver had fled the scene.
The collision outside Fountain House at the junction with Queensway at 7.37pm on Sunday and caused minor delays for other motorists as police and fire crews worked to investigate the incident and clear up the debris.
Firefighters from Woodgate Valley, who attended with a crew from Haden Cross, tweeted: "Occupants fled the scene, lucky to get out of a high speed crash. "