High-rise Oldbury flats set for £9.7m revamp
A £9.7 million contract is set to be approved enabling essential refurbishments to take place at a group of Oldbury high rises.
At their upcoming cabinet meeting Sandwell Council are expected to award the contract enabling work to take place at the tower blocks at Lion Farm.
The programme of external renovations at Hackwood, Harry Price and Wallace Houses include new windows, external cladding, improvements to the balconies, a new roof and additional car parking.
The council report recommending the scheme also states: "These works will see greater energy efficiency which will assist in lowering tenant's fuel bills."
Internally the high rises will see the replacement of lifts to each block, upgrading to the fire protection, decoration and lighting in the communal areas and corridors, while security will be updated to include a new door entry system.
Redundant storage sheds on the ground floors will be removed to create four units with two beds and three with one bed. Currently the 12-storey blocks have around 70 units in each.
If approved, the renovations are expected to begin in June 2017 and last 76 weeks.
The project was put out to tender by the council, with Lovell Partnerships Limited returning the favoured bid of £9,747,323.
At the cabinet meeting on April 19, it is recommended that the interim director of neighbourhoods award the contract for the high rise refurbishment to Lovell Partnerships Limited, and that the necessary documents are signed.