Katie Humpage tragedy: Wolverhampton teacher killed herself following relationship breakdown
A much-loved teacher killed herself following the breakdown of her relationship, an inquest heard today.

The body of Katie Humpage was discovered by her parents at her flat in Burrowes Street, Birchills.
The 32-year-old worked at South Wolverhampton and Bilston Academy until her death. She had previously taught at Willenhall E-ACT Academy.
It emerged at the inquest, held at Black Country Coroner's Court in Oldbury, that Miss Humpage had taken an overdose the month before she was found dead at her home.
She had been away on holiday with her boyfriend of two years in Easter but when they had come back the couple stopped speaking for several days. Shortly after they broke up altogether.
Miss Humpage's step-father Lee Horney told the hearing that she struggled to get over the split.
He said: "Her and her ex-partner came back from holiday. She hadn't spoke with him in a few days. He turned up and ended the relationship out of the blue.
"It took her by surprise I don't think she ever got over it."
Miss Humpage took an overdose and was taken to hospital on June 9, where she stayed for five days.
She spoke to a psychiatric doctor before being discharged but then only received the support of her family.
Mr Horney added: "She was upset and didn't see the point in carrying on. She saw a psychiatric doctor before she was discharged but after that it was just me and her mum who was helping her.
"She had good days and bad days."
Following questions from Coroner Zafar Siddique the step-father confirmed she had never previously tried to self harm.
Leading into early July, a few weeks before Miss Humpage was found dead Tuesday, July 26, Mr Horney said she appeared to be coping better.
He added: "She seemed to be getting better but had good days and bad days. Some days she was fine other days she was really upset.
"She went back to work. They were aware of the incident and were really supportive."
A statement read out from Miss Humpage's former partner said that he had decided to end the relationship after they had returned from a holiday together in June.
He did not see a long term future with Miss Humpage, and had no reason to think she would go on to commit suicide.
Recording a verdict of suicide, Mr Siddique said Miss Humpage had a very successful career, but the breakdown of her relationship 'was the main stress in her life at this time.'
He said she had a supportive family, and had "deeply regretted" her actions following the overdose.
He recorded a verdict of suicide.
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