Express & Star

Teenager's massive stroke after taking the pill

A teenager who suffered a massive stroke after taking the contraceptive pill has made a full recovery — after doctors were forced to remove a third of her skull to save her life.


Grace Russell, from Armitage, near Rugeley, was left fighting for her life at the age of 17.

The human resources student, now 23, was terrified when she became paralysed down her right side and was rushed to hospital where she rapidly deteriorated.

She was later told she had suffered a stroke.

Doctors told Grace's family to prepare for the worst as she was given a 20 per cent chance of survival after MRI scans had shown extensive bleeding on Grace's brain.

And even if she did survive she doctors said she would need 24/7 care for the rest of her life.

In a bid to save her life, surgeons removed a third of her skull to relieve the bleed on her brain and replaced it with a titanium plate.

Miraculously, the teen defied all the odds and will now graduate from with a degree from Staffordshire University in July after making a full recovery.

She now wants to speak out about her experiences to help raise awareness of strokes amongst other young women.

Grace, a full-time student, said: "I was driving to the gym one day when suddenly I couldn't feel the right side of my body, I looked in the mirror and saw my face was drooping.

"I was terrified, my parents rushed me to hospital and were told I had suffered a bleed on my brain and was given a 20 per cent chance of survival.

Grace, a HR student, is now 23

"I was placed into an induced coma to allow my body to try and recover and surgeons replaced a third of my skull with a metal plate.

"After waking up, I was determined to get better so I took part in extra physio so I could walk again.

"My parents, Allen, 59, and Sara, 55, were so relieved, they were told to expect the worst. After two months recovering, I was able to leave hospital and I went back to school part time.

"I am now campaigning with the Stroke Association to raise more awareness for the dangers of the contraceptive pill."

She also described the moment she woke up from her two-week long coma, saying: "When I woke up I was so confused, my words were all mixed up and I couldn't recognise colours.

"I was in complete shock when doctors told me I had had a stroke, I didn't think it was something that effects young people.

"On the stroke ward I was the youngest patient, everyone else was at least 60.

"I had to learn to walk and talk again, I didn't even have the strength to pull myself up on my hospital bed."

The hormone oestrogen that is found in most contraceptive pills can increase the likelihood of blood clotting and in turn can increase the chance of a stroke.

Elaine Roberts, director of Life After Stroke Services at the Stroke Association, said: "The risk of stroke caused by the contraceptive pill is low, but it's higher if you have other risk factors, such as high blood pressure, being overweight or smoking."

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