Express & Star

Taxis to get CCTV to tackle violence against cabbies

Taxis in Dudley will have CCTV installed under plans to tackle violence against drivers and child abuse.


The move comes after a driver was attacked and left seriously injured in the street in Brierley Hill.

Mohammed Ahmed was badly beaten and was taken to hospital after the attack in Bell Street South on February 28.

Officials say the cameras would also boost safety in the wake of child sexual exploitation in other parts of the country.

A consultation will be launched into the scheme with the cameras recording people travelling inside taxis in the borough.

And the cameras would also be used to capture those damaging taxis or making off without paying. Dudley Council's taxi committee will outline a consultation into the policy at its meeting on Tuesday.

Dudley Private Hire and Taxi Association chairman Shaz Saleem said he was broadly in favour of the scheme. But sought information on how it would be funded and who had control of the footage.

"Having CCTV would protect drivers and customers and ensure safety," he said.

"It would act as a deterrent to people. We have had drivers who have been abused, some of them have been hit, and some customers have been making off with paying."

"It is about safety. It is not a question of spying on people."

He added: "My main questions over it is who is funding it. Also will the council have access to the CCTV."

Dudley Council's taxi committee chairman, Councillor Richard Body, said the consultation would discover more information on how to implement the policy.

Options will be explored to either force the compulsory fitting of CCTV, allowing it to be optional for drivers or scraping the plan altogether.

It is expected to report back within around three months.

The plans come as training is planned for borough cabbies to spot the signs of child exploitation by those customers using taxis.

This following concerns of their involvement in the recent Rotherham scandal.

Councillor Body said: "Cameras in taxis have worked in places like Rotherham and London.

"At the moment it will be a consultation looking into the issues and that way everyone can give their views.

"I believe it would be a good idea. It could be that CCTV would go in Hackney carriages first as they pick people off the street.

"I would advise private hire taxis to do it to."