Talisman raid: Troubled Wolverhampton pub set to reopen
A pub at the centre of an organised drugs ring will be allowed to re-open on condition the landlord is removed.
Licensing chiefs described The Talisman in Wolverhampton as a 'much loved community pub' that had been allowed to degenerate into 'an unruly drugs den.'
A review to decide the pub's future yesterday heard that in recent months some customers had exploited the ill health of landlord Peter Thacker, who previously had successfully managed the pub for 21 years.
At least five people are to be banned from the premises when it re-opens in three weeks time. The licensing sub-committee insisted the pub remains closed for the whole 21-day appeal period.
The review followed a police raid last month when crack cocaine, digital scales and several bags and wraps of cannabis were found in the bar and toilets.
Punch Taverns, which owns the pub, had since met with police and agreed terms to save it from permanent closure. The company has not ruled out a return to his former position for Mr Thacker, who is currently undergoing treatment for prostate cancer.
Committee chairman Councillor Alan Bolshaw described the outcome as 'a victory for common sense.'