JAILED: Thugs who punched passenger in head and face up to 20 times after accusing him of touching girlfriend
A man was brutally assaulted after being accused of touching another man's girlfriend, a court heard.

Luke Kelly was punched in the head and face between 15 and 20 times after being set upon by Michael Dixon and Robert Grove, Wolverhampton Crown Court was told.
The victim had only met the pair earlier the same night and after they began chatting was invited to get into their car to pick up friends of Grove's girlfriend, who was also in the car, in Oldbury.
But the mood turned sour when Mr Kelly was accused of touching Grove's girlfriend around the waist.
When she protested, Dixon, aged 25, of Tower Rise, Tividale, stopped the car and got out, said Mr Gary Cook, prosecuting. Mr Kelly was ordered to get out of the car and was punched by Dixon. Grove, 29, of Quilter Close, Coseley, then began throwing punches and drop-kicked the victim.
Mr Cook told the court: "Dixon told Mr Kelly to get out of the car - he was adamant. He did and Grove also got out. The victim was then punched to the nose, causing it to bleed. He was then punched repeatedly by both men, culminating in Grove delivering a flying kick to his ribs."
Mr Kelly was left seriously injured and spent two days in hospital with a punctured lung, multiple rib fractures and a broken nose.
The court was also told about a separate incident involving Dixon in which he carried out an unprovoked attack on a man who was fixing his car, mistakenly believing he had sounded his horn when Dixon had shouted from his bedroom window for him to stop. The 52-year-old victim lost a tooth and had several dreadlocks yanked out. He also smashed the rear window of his car by throwing a kettle at it.
Recorder Ben Nicholls was told that both had shown remorse and were ashamed of their actions but it was not enough to spare them a prison sentence.
Dixon was jailed for 36 months after admitting inflicting grievous bodily harm, assault and criminal damage. Grove pleaded guilty to inflicting grievous bodily harm and was sentenced to 27 months in prison.
Recorder Nicholls told them: "Luke Kelly may well have tried it on and you may have perceived him to be a nuisance but that is no excuse for what you did to him.
"This was a repeated and sustained attack involving the use of a shod foot."