Express & Star

Bus lane cameras or cash machines? Your views on Wolverhampton bus lanes

Wolverhampton's bus lanes and cameras have made the news again this week and as ever they've provoked quite a reaction. Here's what you've had to say.


10,000 caught in JUST one Wolverhampton bus lane

We revealed that one particularly unpopular bus lane camera in Heath Town has raked in £635,000 in fines by catching more than 10,000 motorists. Many of you found this grossly unfair:

Oleh Krawec received 33 likes for this comment...

"Having read this article the statement in it says "people pay to use the bus" referring to its unfair for them to be held up by traffic. Excuse me car drivers pay through the teeth in taxes both on their road licence and on their fuel. If that's the case each car should have a dedicated lane to use."

And Tesa Taylor Jukes agreed...

"Just another money making scheme ripping us off!"

James Manny Mann...

"Target the already over paying motorists....expect nothing less from Wolverhampton council."

Others had no issue with bus lanes in general, just the Heath Lane camera:

Richard Simcox explained...

"This particular problem has been engineered by the council for profit! The location is on approach to an extremely busy junction near the end of the bus lane and the manoeuvre required to uturn pull back into the "normal" traffic lane then manoeurve back left is ridiculous and for the sake of a few yards ppl are driving up the last bit of the bus lane rather than do a bit of "benny hill" driving.

"The fact that the whole end of that section of road is badly thought out and mis-managed is another story. The council know this and are being very sneaky in their approach."

And David Evans elaborated...

"The position of that camera is a joke!!! Plus the turning circle on my car literally makes it impossible not to contravene that lane there???"

Chris Routledge was more succinct...

"Bus lane OR cash machine. For the local authority"

Bus lane camera or cash machine?

But plenty of readers struggled to see what the problem was:

Steve Thorpe...

"I drive along there every day. My fine total?? £0.00. Keep out the bus lane = keep money in pocket. Simples."

Rachel Savory...

"I manage to drive down that stretch of road without entering the bus lane, its actually very easy to avoid if you pay attention and look where you're going. The camera and warnings have been in place long enough, if you risk driving in the bus lane you risk the fine, no point moaning about it, it wont change anything!

"I don't understand all these "money making, ripping us off" comments, who is being ripped off exactly? I don't drive in the bus lane and have therefore not been fined. It is well publicised that driving in the bus lane has a penalty attached to it, you are not being ripped off by being fined you are being punished for not obeying the law of the road!"

Matt Powell...

"If ur not driving a bus you shouldnt be in there. Problem is 2 many ignorant drivers mostly on fones not paying attention."

Claire Mangan...

"You have 20 meters to get out of the junction, into the bus lane (although I can manage to not cross the line in a people carrier so maybe more lessons are in order for some!) and back across to avoid a fine. You're all really moaning about nothing! As for repeat offenders, is a £30 fine not enough to teach you a lesson?!"

Driver who complained about lack of bus lane signs wins appeal over fine

We also told the story of David Evans, who successfully appealed after he was fined for infringing in a Willenhall Road bus lane.

The adjudicator agreed that the signage wasn't up to scratch. And so did many of you:

JJ made his opinion clear...

"The Willenhall road is the worst of the lot.

"Its mishmash of sections of dual carriage ways, single carriage ways, 3 lanes with a bus land on one side then 3 lanes with 1 a bus lane on the other and in other parts 2 lanes with long turning points in the middle of the road. All topped of with extremely worn out lines and poor signage. It's no wonder there are so many bottle necks and no wonder why people get confused, caught out or have an accident, its a complete farse."

And Old59 concurred...

"JJ, I'm in complete agreement - there's no bus lane on the Willenhall Road in the sections between the Keyway and Deans Road - why?? Trying to get across the road into the East Park estate is a nightmare, trying to get out is a nightmare, the interchange at Lower Walsall Street is becoming so dangerous."

But some just didn't understand:

Blue Boy...

"I don't get this. There are bloody great big signs telling you is a bus lane and what time it is live. The only problem is people don't read the signs and ignore the restrictions outside the 7 - 7. You are one lucky person getting off this concidering you live there and work round the corner."

Plenty of you shared your own experiences of bus lanes

Raj Achall got a nice Wolverhampton welcome...

"Moved from area where no bus lanes. Moved to Wolverhampton caught 3 times in the process of moving."

Inder Singh wasn't impressed...

"I got a fine in the post yeterday for using a bus lane that's only been a bus lane since November it's the one by the bus station just off Queen Street. Still it doesn't have markings on the road just a little blue sign further down the lane so if you are already in the lane before you hit the sign you're screwed!

"I don't know why i pay £135 on road tax every yr makes me sick tbf bus lanes in wolverhampton are popping up everywhere!!!"

As for poor Jody Docherty...

"My partner pulled in the lane to let a flashing ambulance past and still got fined."

Craig Lloyd...

"A work colleague also got one of these in our works van but paid it. I said to appeal as the letter also said Bilston.

But to be fair if the guy drives along it every day as I do then he clearly knows it is a bus lane. . I drive in it before 7am and after 7pm and Sundays and drivers look at me like I'm. Nuts but I clearly read the signs."

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