Express & Star

Fears cut in Oldbury tip hours will lead to fly-tipping

Cuts to opening hours at Oldbury Recycling Centre will lead to more fly-tipping at the site, it has been claimed by objectors.


The times the tip is open are being reduced by two hours on weekdays – starting on Monday.

Recycling bosses said this was a result of an analysis of when the site is most used by members of the public.

But UKIP Councillor Philip Garrett has said he is concerned the council has not fully informed people about the changes – and if people turn up at the tip to find it closed they could then dump their items there, creating an all-new problem.

Councillor Maria Crompton said the new hours better reflect the times the recycling centre is used, and the authority will continue to crack down on fly-tippers.

Councillor Crompton, cabinet member for highways and environment, said of the decision: "Recent traffic surveys indicate the peak usage time for this site is between 11am and 3pm both weekdays and weekends, and the revised opening hours better reflect the times that our customers use the site.

"Sandwell Council also offers a bulky household waste collection service and concessions are available for households with residents aged over 60.

"Fly-tipping is a huge problem for all councils regardless of the opening hours of our recycling centre," Councillor Crompton added.

"We continue to investigate all reports of fly-tipping and where there is evidence of who is responsible we take action."

But Councillor Garrett said: "The council is basing these changes on analysis of certain times when people attend every day.

"But I think that if the message hasn't been distributed to people enough then people might turn up with a car full of rubbish and then wonder what's going on.

"It's not nice to think certain people might start to fly-tip there instead, but that definitely could happen.

"I understand why the council is going to do this if it fits the times – but this is that first example of frontline services being tweaked.

"It's inevitable that more changes are coming in the next few years."

The fears about an increase in fly-tipping come just days after the Express & Star highlighted how a fridge, a cabinet and black bin bags have been dumped on a Tipton estate just 12 months after the council splashed out to clear the site – off Sandgate Road.

From Monday the revised opening hours all week will be from 8am to 4pm. Currently the tip is open until 6pm on weekdays. If residents need help or guidance on how to dispose of their waste they can call 0121 569 6625 or visit the website