Express & Star

Green light given to 351 homes for Cradley Heath industrial estate

More than 300 homes are set to be built on a run-down industrial estate in Cradley Heath, after council planners were told to give the scheme the go-ahead.


Factory units off Woods Lane and Macarthur Road will be bulldozed to allow a new housing estate comprising of 351 homes to be created.

Sandwell Council has been handed more than £5 million from the Black Country Local Enterprise Partnership in support of the plan.

A report created ahead of an upcoming meeting encourages council planners to approve the outline plans.

This states: "The proposal should be welcomed as it accords with nationally and locally adopted policy.

"In submitting this application Sandwell Council are facilitating the implementation of an aspiration in the adopted development plan to release the land for residential development and to bring a high quality sustainable housing scheme forward for the local community."

The scheme has been hailed as 'long overdue' by ward councillor Julie Webb, who said it would be major boost for Cradley Heath.

A design and access statement submitted as part of the application states: "The application has been submitted by the council in a proactive approach to bringing the site forward for comprehensive residential redevelopment.

"The proposal is of a hybrid nature comprising a full application for an access link road leading from Macarthur Road to Woods Lane and an outline application with all matters reserved (including all other access) for residential development of 350 (approx) dwellings.

"A concept master plan submitted with the application illustrates the intention to maintain a buffer zone to the south of the site next to the river - this would be dealt with formally at the reserved matters stage.

"There would be a series of main access roads, secondary and tertiary roads serving the estate, and urban park, tree lined boulevard and linear park would all be incorporated into the scheme."

The council has already had the go-ahead to demolish the buildings.

The plans form part of a vision to restore the Woods Lane area of Cradley Heath, near the town's train station, which is mostly populated by derelict factory units.