Express & Star

80 jobs on way as Aldi moves in to Stourbridge

Aldi will bring the latest in a series of supermarkets to the West Midlands – after it won backing for a new shop in Stourbridge, creating 80 jobs.


Council planning officers supported plans for the scheme on the landmark site of the Bronx works off A4036 Dudley Road, in Lye.

The supermarket chain is seeing a surge in sales prompting investment in further outlets including in Dudley and Kingswinford.

The proposed scheme has been welcomed for boosting the number of new jobs available in the town following two high-profile closures.

Bronx Engineering Co. and well known stationary firm Helix have both left the town in the past seven years with hundreds of job losses.

A final decision is expected at Dudley Council's planning committee meeting on Monday but it has already been recommended for approval by officers.

Ward councillor Mohammed Hanif welcomed support for the supermarket saying it hopes it can act as a catalyst for the town.

"Lye has been looking for a major store to come in for a number of years," he said.

"This is a piece of land that was not going to be used for much else.

"It also does not affect Lye High Street which we want to ensure is kept thriving.

"People have had to go to Merry Hill before now. This will give them somewhere nearby.

"There were 800 people at Helix at one time.

"That is a lot of lots. I very much hope that this can be a boost for Lye," he added.

In total 101 letters of support have been sent to the committee ahead of the meeting alongside an objection heavy traffic and access for a neighbouring business.

Aldi is soon starting work on creating a supermarket on the site of the former King Arthur Pub, off Birmingham New Road, in Dudley.

It has also built a supermarket on Cinder Bank, in Netherton and Earls Way, Halesowen, with plans for a store in Great Barr also revealed.

Bronx Manufacturing Co. closed its factory on the site in 2009 after the company went into liquidation following 70 years based in Lye.

Well known stationary manufacturer Helix pulled out of its offices, and once thriving manufacturing plant, in nearby Engine Lane four years ago.

It now has offices based at Pensnett Trading Estate, near Kingswinford.