'It's frightening to think what could be going on': Parents speak of fears as schools targeted in hoax bomb threats
Worried parents have spoken of their fears after five schools in the Black Country and one in Birmingham received hoax bomb threats - exactly one week after a similar scare caused four schools to be evacuated.

The schools all received bomb scare phone calls at around 9am yesterday, leading four schools in Sandwell, one in Dudley and one in Birmingham to evacuate.
However police soon revealed that there was 'no credible threat' to the schools.

Worried parents were alerted to the evacuation's by text and social media messages, shortly after dropping their children off at Bristnall Hall Academy, Oldbury Academy, George Salter Academy and Holly Lodge schools in Sandwell, The Earls High School in Halesowen, and Four Dwellings Academy in Quinton.
Samantha Simpson, whose son attends Oldbury Academy, said that she received a text early into the school day.

"The school text me to say that they had released my son as there had been another bomb scare," she said.
"It is very concerning - it's frightening to think what could be going on," she added.
While a police presence remained at evacuated schools, parents at Bristnall Hall Academy were told shortly after the closure that the school would be reopening.

Kadiaton Diallo, returned to the school at around 11am to drop off her son, who is in Year 10.
She said: "I received a text to say that I could take him out at 9.30am so I did.
"I fetched him home in the car because we don't live local, but then an hour or so later I received another text to say bring him back.

"You immediately worry about your child and for peace of mind you do the right thing.
"But if the school says that it is safe to return then you have to go by their word. It is concerning for everyone - staff and students."
While Bristnall Hall Academy reopened at 11am, the other five remained closed for the remainder of the day.

Four schools in London, four schools in Cornwall and six in Paris were also evacuated yesterday morning as a result of security threats.
There were claims that a Twitter account, calling itself 'Evacuators 2K16', was behind the hoaxes. It had previously tweeted: "Want to get out of school for a day? Want to divert the police away from a crime you're going to commit? Email us."

It has now been suspended, and police would not be drawn on if they were investigating it or not.
Last Tuesday Oldbury and Bristnall Hall academies, Holly Lodge High School and Leasowes High School in Halesowen were all evacuated after receiving bomb threats via phone calls.

Principal of Bristnall Hall, Vince Green, said: "We were informed of a bomb threat at the academy. As a safety precaution the academy was evacuated and the police were contacted immediately.
"Our pupils were taken off site and arrangements were made for their safe return back into the academy as soon as police gave us the all clear. Police are taking this seriously and I would urge anyone who has any information to contact the police on 101.
"It is frustrating that our young people have missed out on part of their learning today but the safety and security of our pupils and staff is of the highest priority at Bristnall Hall. The excellent staff at the academy will ensure that pupil progress is not impacted on by these events.
"Our emergency safety procedures were once again successful in helping us manage this situation calmly."
West Midlands Police Assistant Chief Constable, Carl Foulkes, said that a police investigation was underway.
He explained: "Police intelligence suggests there is no credible threat behind the calls and they mirror the hoaxes several schools received just a few days ago.
"Local police officers have been sent to the affected schools to carry our checks and to offer reassurance.
"A police investigation is underway to find the person responsible for the calls."
They added that they were continuing to follow a line of enquiry that last week's bomb threats were linked to others that occurred in Bristol on the same day.
Press officer, Billy Corrigan, said: "The investigation is still ongoing,
"If there are any links to other incidents then they will be established as part of the investigation."
Sandwell Council leader Darren Cooper said: "To ensure the safety of pupils, head teachers at the schools made the decision to evacuate and pupils were sent home for the day. We are supporting the schools with their decision to put the children's safety first."
The council also opened Hurst Road Community Centre in Oldbury for students who were unable to return home until later in the day."
Parents at Leasowes High School in Halesowen - one of the schools to receive a hoax call last week - reassured parents via text that no security threat had been received yesterday, while Dudley Council confirmed the only threat in the borough had been to Earls High.
Holly Lodge school in Oldbury addressed parents in a letter on their website saying that they had evacuated due to a threat that was 'communicated' to school.
In London, there were four separate calls to schools across the city claiming devices had been left on premises. Those calls are also being treated as hoaxes. Four schools in Cornwall were also evacuated.