1,600 number plates stolen from vehicles across Staffordshire
More than 1, 600 number plates have been stolen from vehicles across Staffordshire during the past four years.

Thieves have targeted 1,677 vehicles since 2012 - the year when the most plates were taken over a 12 month period.
Four years ago police were called to deal with 484, which dropped to 373 cases in 2013.
Information released through the Freedom of Information Act revealed crimes rose again over the next two years, reaching 394 in 2014 and 426 last year.
Staffordshire Police have issued anti-theft number plates screws in a bid to curb the steady rise in the crime.
David Twist, crime prevention manager at Staffordshire Police, said: "There has been a slight increase in thefts of number plates over the past three years across the force.
"We in the crime prevention team and colleagues on local policing teams keep a note of any prevalence of these thefts.
"When a problem is noticed for a particular area, the crime prevention team members are able to schedule an event where anti-theft number plate screws are issued free of charge to vehicle owners.
"These screws mean the plates cannot be removed without the use of a drill, making them more secure."
Thieves can use the stolen plates to avoid parking fines and speeding tickets as well as leaving petrol forecourts without paying.
They have also been used in robberies as getaway cars.
Car dealerships across the Midlands fitted anti-theft screws to every car as part of a police crackdown on number plate and fuel theft in 2014.
West Midlands Police joined forces with 27 dealerships, including those in Dudley, Sandwell and Walsall.
The initiative formed part of Operation Kadence, was originally launched in 2011 to stop the number of plate and fuel thefts, also known as bilking.
The bilkings were linked to offenders who often used them when committing crimes on the forecourts.
Figures revealed by West Midlands Police at the end of last year showed more than 2,700 car registrations were stolen across the region over a three year period.
A total of 2,734 car registration thefts were reported in the first 11 months of this year compared to 3,300 for the whole of last year and 2,836 the year before.
Despite a significant reduction over the last three years, West Midlands Police still receives about 300 reports of bilking and 250 reports of number plate theft every month.
Polic warned vehicle owners to be 'on their guard' following a number plate theft in Dorchester Road, Cannock earlier this month.
Community engagement officer Ronnie Turner urged people to warn their neighbours and to be observant at all times.
Thieves were also targeting vans and lorries in Sedgley, stealing number plates and power tools, at the turn of the year.
Police stepped up patrols in Ridgeway following the spate of thefts and people were again urged to be vigilant to any suspicious activity.