Express & Star

£8.5m Walsall primary school expansion plans slammed

Plans to expand four primary schools in Walsall, including one that was placed into special measures, have been slammed.


Walsall Council has received £8.5 million in government investment and plans to expand Beacon Primary School in Willenhall, Greenfield Primary School in Shelfield, King's Hill Primary School in Darlaston and St Giles in Willenhall.

But the move has been criticised by Labour and Darlaston South councillor Doug James.

He raised concerns over increasing capacity at failing schools, with King's Hill Primary being rated as 'inadequate' and placed into special measures by Ofsted.

Councillor James said: "If a criteria for selection was school effectiveness, why are there schools less than good on the list to be extended?

"If Walsall Children's Services are serious about every child in a good or better school then why is an inadequate school being extended?

"Is it acceptable for pupils in Darlaston to, therefore, be educated in less than good schools?"

He added: "There is no evidence to justify the decision to increase capacity of schools which are less than good which leaves the impression that Walsall Children's Services are happy to allow children in their care to be educated at schools which are recognized as not being good."

Under the council's plans, reception classes at Beacon would increased from 45 pupils to 60, Greenfield from 30 to 45, King's Hill from 45 to 60 and St Giles from 45 to 60.

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