Wolverhampton school in special measures is making progress
Bosses at a troubled Wolverhampton school are taking 'effective action' to move it out of special measure, according to education inspectors.

Ofsted visited New Park School last month and noted a range of improvements which have been made over the last few months.
The school, in Whitmore Reans, was placed in special measures following a visit from Ofsted in February 2014 where inspectors saw staff manhandling pupils and youngsters damaging school property.
During last month's visit, inspectors found the 'leadership and management has improved considerably', noting that senior leaders are driving improvement as they 'understand their roles and responsibilities and have high expectations' and enjoy positive relationships with staff and pupils.
Inspectors said teaching and learning was also improving at the school, which caters for pupils with severe emotional and behavioural needs
City education boss, Councillor Claire Darke, said: "I am pleased that inspectors have noted the steady progress which is being made to bring New Park School out of special measures.
"We have now had three encouraging reports following monitoring inspection visits to schools in special measures in recent weeks – the others being Hill Avenue Primary School and the Kingston Centre – all of which say that leaders are taking effective measures to move their schools out of special measures.
"Clearly there is much more to be done, but with the excellent leadership in place at the three schools, alongside the backing of pupils and parents and effective support from the City of Wolverhampton Council, I am confident that they will all come out of special measures in due course."
In October it was revealed that the school is set to become an academy, sponsored by Northern House School Academy Trust.
The Department for Education stepped in to remove the school from local authority control after it emerged that classes were not adequately staffed.
At the time, the DfE said it was clear that 'change in leadership and governance is needed in order to secure rapid and sustained improvement at New Park School, and becoming an academy with the support of a strong sponsor is the quickest and most effective way to do this'.
The conversion will take place in the new year.