Express & Star

Mystery over M6 crash death of 'remarkable' father

A coroner could not reach a conclusion as to what happened in an accident on the M6 that led to the death of a 'remarkable' 65-year-old man.


John Kamelski, from Penkridge, had been on his way to an appointment in Birmingham on the morning of July 3 when he collided with a static HGV at around 8.10am.

John Kamelski, aged 65, died when his car hit a static HGV

The crash happened on the southbound carriageway in lane one next to the Hilton Services entry slip road between junctions 11 Wolverhampton and 10a for the M54.

In the initial aftermath of the crash, members of the public rushed to save Mr Kamelski and carry out first aid, although he then died the following day.

South Staffordshire senior coroner Andrew Haigh concluded that the death was accidental and said: "I have heard that John was 65 when he died, which today is quite a young age.

"The area where the collision happened was the site of long term road works, so there was a lot of slowing down and stopping by motorists compared to normal.

"He has not realised this until the very last second and as a result he has driven into the back of a static large goods vehicle.

"We have heard evidence and I am sorry that I can't reach a clear conclusion.

"John was an experienced driver, he knew the route and drug and alcohol tests came back as completely negative.

"My formal conclusion is one of accidental death.

"I am sorry that I can't say to his family precisely what the cause of the collision was."

When the crash took place, Staffordshire police sergeant Jon King pulled up at the scene and enlisted the help of other motorists to stop traffic on the route.

He also called on a member of the public to divert vehicles along the slip road at Hilton Park services, before dialling 999 and climbing into the Mercedes Mr Kamelski had been driving to check on him.

Sergeant King comforted Mr Kamelski while he waited for firefighters and paramedics to arrive at the scene.

He later honoured for his efforts with a fire service commendation.

Pc Jon King was honoured for his work at the scene of the tragedy

A statement released by Mr Kamelski's family after his death read: "Although our remarkable father sadly could not be saved, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to all those at the scene.

"There are no words to describe just how comforted and humbled we were to learn of the compassion of those commuters who rushed to his aid.

"In a world where people can be quick to take a photo or video instead of helping a fellow human being, we can take solace in the fact he was surrounded by truly selfless individuals.

"To all attending emergency services – your efforts to save such a wonderful man will never be forgotten.

"You gave his family a chance to say goodbye.

"A debt that can never be repaid."

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