Express & Star

Wolverhampton's New Cross Hospital parking decision on way

A decision will be made on a new residents' parking scheme at Wolverhampton's New Cross Hospital next month.


For years residents have been calling for the introduction of a permit system to prevent problem parking from hospital visitors looking to avoid charges.

A decision on the scheme is now set to be made at a meeting on December 15.

As well as the introduction of permits, the scheme also includes plans for a parking meter.

Residents living opposite New Cross hospital on Wolverhampton Road have described the current parking situation as a 'nightmare' as cars clog up the road and sometimes block driveways.

Margaret Flavell, who has lived in the cul-de-sac for 45 years, said: "I am fed up to the gills with it, it's an absolute nightmare.

"If you try and say something you just get abused. They wouldn't like it if we parked outside their private homes at all hours of the day so why do they think it's ok to do it to us?

"My daughter has to ring when she's close-by and on her way to visit me and ask if she can park. Sometimes she just drops the shopping off and goes because she can't park. I don't get many visitors because of the parking situation.

"It's like this 24/7. The police do come down sometimes and put tickets on the cars but it doesn't make any difference."

Yasmine Latter added: "Sometimes my husband can't get out to go to work because they've blocked the drive."

Under the plans to be voted on next month, each house will be given two parking permits free, with any additional or replacement permits having to be bought.

Council bosses hope to bring in £125,000 in 2016/17 under the plans.

City finance boss, Councillor Andrew Johnson, said: "Because the hospital charges, people go and park for free on the roads, which means residents can't park outside their own homes. Because of this, we are going to bring in charges."

Barbara and Ray Jones and Christine Baldwin, who live next door to each other, said: "When we first moved in there were no problems, it's just ever since the hospital started charging for parking.

"It's not just the visitors, staff park here as well. And we have lorries who can't get down the street and can't reverse out onto the road so they perform u-turns on our drives.

"These permits are the last option the council have really to help stop the problem."