Express & Star

Time to honour Wolverhampton's Sons & Daughters

They are some of Wolverhampton's most well known children.


Now, after helping put the city on the map, they are being recognised at next year's Wolverhampton's Famous Sons & Daughters event.

There will be seven winners this year, but so far only two have been announced. These are Lord Mervyn King, the former Governor of the Bank of England, who will be honoured for his life of public service and Vikram Solanki, the former England cricketer, who will be honoured for his contribution to sport. The other five winners will be announced by the Express & Star in the run up to next year's ceremony.

The event will take place on Thursday, February 25 at Molineux.

World champion cyclist Hugh Porter
Singer Beverley Knight
Olympic star Denise Lewis

Richard Dodd from Signal 107 will compere the evening and World Champion cyclist Hugh Porter will interview the recipients on stage. The awards will be presented by local celebrities including some previous winners.

Mr Porter, who was a recipient of the one of the awards in 2011, said: "Being chosen for an honour is hugely flattering and when I was included in the inaugural year of Famous Sons & Daughters to be one of the five to receive this along with the late Sir Jack Hayward, Lisa Webb, Beverley Knight and Sir Geoff Hampton. I felt hugely proud as a born and bred Wulfrunian.

"After being made a member of this distinguished elite group, to my surprise I was asked to co-host the second Famous Sons & Daughters evening by conducting the interviews with the newly crowned members. After pinching myself to check if this astonishing request was for real, it will come as no surprise that I accepted!

"Chatting to the likes of Denise Lewis, David Hill, Steve Bull and the late Lord Turner, to mention just a few, live on stage at the glittering black tie dinner is a very privileged position. I'm wondering who I will get to meet this time and cannot wait for the next February to come round. How lucky am I, a Black Country kid who could ride a bike!"

Next year will be the third instalment of the awards, having previously been held in 2011 and 2013.

In 2011, Sir Geoff Hampton, Sir Jack Hayward, Beverley Knight, Hugh Porter and Lisa Webb were recognised for their work for the city while in 2013 Steve Bull, Dave Hill (Slade), Denise Lewis, Liam Payne, Kristian Thomas, Dennis Turner and Bert Williams received awards.

The event is being organised by Wolverhampton business organisation Partners in Progress with support from the University of Wolverhampton, the City of Wolverhampton Council and the Express & Star.

Graham Evans, the chair of Partners in Progress, said: "Wolverhampton Partners in Progress are delighted to be arranging a third Famous Sons & Daughters awards event to acknowledge and honour famous Wulfrunians. We are looking forward to another exciting evening in celebrating the efforts and achievements of Wolverhampton's best.

"We congratulate all of this year's winners who will be permanently recorded, along with previous award winners, on a bronze plaque to be unveiled later in the year."

Wolverhampton mayor, Councillor Ian Brookfield, added: "I am delighted to be able to play a role in this prestigious civic awards ceremony which recognises proud Wulfrunians who have made a significant contribution to their City by helping to raise its profile and by putting Wolverhampton on the map locally, national and internationally and thereby giving the citizens of Wolverhampton a sense of civic pride.

"One of Wolverhampton's greatest assets is its people and this event honours the true ambassadors of our City. I am really looking forward to this fantastic occasion, one of the highlights of the Mayoral calendar."

Wolves legend Bert Williams

Businesses from around the city are being urged to buy places at the evening which includes a drinks reception, dinner and the glittering awards ceremony. A table for 10 costs £600 or an individual ticket £60.

Those interested in booking places can call Chris Bywater or Isobel Bennett at First City on 01902 710999 or email Places are limited.

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