IN VIDEO and PICTURES: Boats barge in for Stourbridge festival
The history of canals in the Black Country was highlighted to thousands of people at a showcase event.

Stourbridge Navigation Trust's annual open weekend attracted around 60 canal boats, which moored in the Stourbridge Extension Canal for visitors to see.
As well as the narrow boats, there were displays of different vehicles.

The Navigation Trust's financial director Chris Dyche said the weekend had been a resounding success.
It will be his last year in the role, as he is stepping down - but will continue to help out at future events.
He said: "It went really well, we've had thousands of people here and there were a great selection of vehicles.
"It's been a successful weekend.
"The whole purpose of the event is to put something back into the community.
"We want to give the community a good event for nothing - as that seems to be few and far between nowadays.
"Hopefully it's something families come to and enjoy."
This year's event was the 33rd put on by the trust and Mr Dyche said the weekend is now firmly fixed in narrowboat enthusiasts' calendars - and he hopes it stays that way.
"It keeps drawing people here," he said.
"The crux of it is that we put it on for the people, we make it free and thousands of people seem to enjoy it.
"Doing things for the community is what the trust has always been about."
The Mayor Dudley Councillor Steve Waltho enjoyed a boat ride along the canal as part of the event, which took place alongside the Bonded Warehouse in Canal Street.
Councillor Waltho said: "It was a great event, a really lovely occasion and its success is a big credit to the Navigation Trust.
"It's one of the biggest events of the year."
He paid tribute to the efforts of Mr Dyche, 'a fantastic community volunteer'.
A selection of around 60 boats - working boats, pleasure boats and cruisers - lined the canal close to the historic 18th Century warehouse.
A craft fair, children's rides, and refreshments – including a beer tent – were also on show all over the weekend to entertain visitors.