Express & Star

Jail for jilted man after fire threat to ex

A jilted man who threatened to torch his former partner's home was starting a two-year jail sentence today.


Shaun Lloyd doused himself and the stairs leading to the first floor flat in fuel - and then asked for a lighter.

The drama came just hours after police had ordered the 28-year-old not to go to the address where he had previously tried to stab a member of the family who was trying to stop him getting into the property.

The couple had just broken up after four years together during which time they had two children, Wolverhampton Crown Court was told.

Lloyd was drunk when he went to the ex-partner's home in Sky Walk, Cradley Heath, and slapped her father across the face on April 3. He also headbutted and punched a door, causing £100 damage before taking a knife from a kitchen drawer and waving it around, said Mr John Evans, prosecuting, who added: "He was screaming and shouting."

The defendant left the flat and poked the knife blade through a crack in the front door as a member of the family tried to shut it in his face as he tried to return.

Police arrived shortly after 3am, arrested Lloyd and later released him on bail on condition he stayed away from the address.

But hours later he arrived at the flat holding a can of fuel.

Mr Evans explained: "He got in through the unlocked front door, poured petrol over his head, down the stairs and on the walls. He then left, pouring more petrol as he went before asking for a lighter."

Lloyd was detained at the scene and later told police he had not intended to carry out his threat to burn the place down and was merely trying to 'get the attention' of his former partner.

Mr Ben Williams, defending, conceded: "It must have been terrifying for her but this was desperate behaviour. He was taking the break up in their relationship very badly and behaving in an utterly inappropriate way. The fact that he thought he had to go to these lengths to attract her attention shows how desperate he was. Alcohol also played its part."

Lloyd from Bolton Square, West Bromwich, admitted affray, assault, criminal damage and threatening to damage property. He was jailed by Judge Mark Eades who told him: "Your behaviour towards your former partner was appalling.You head butted a door, brandished a knife and tried to stab a person closing the door on you.

"You were bailed on condition you did not return to the address but did precisely that, arriving with a can of petrol and threatening to burn yourself and the property. You intended to frighten the life out of your former partner which I am sure you did."

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