Living wage will cost hospitals trust £110,000
A boost to hospital workers' pay by introducing the living wage will cost the trust that runs Wolverhampton's New Cross Hospital and Cannock Chase Hospital more than £110,000 a year.
Hundreds of employees at The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust are in line for an increase when the living wage, which is supposed to cover the basic cost of day-to-day life, is introduced.
It will take effect from October 1, with the first payments being in the pay packets of those eligible at the end of October.
A total of 860 staff and bank workers are eligible for the living wage payment which will cost the trust more than £113,000 a year.
Trust chief executive David Loughton has said the increase will be funded by 'efficiency savings' across the trust, but this does not mean redundancies.
On Monday, the hospital's trust board is asked to approve its final approval for the implementation of the living wage.
Initially, the living wage was to be rolled out to workers at the trust on August 1, but this was delayed until October due to technical issues.