Stafford shopping centre bosses promise 'exciting changes'
Bosses of a shopping centre hit by the closure of three stores have vowed to plough in fresh investment, promising a 'new and improved' centre.

Stafford's Guildhall Shopping Centre saw longstanding Wallis, Evans and Topshop units last week.
Arcadia Group, which runs the stores, chose not to renew the tenancy agreement in the hop of moving them to the £70 million Riverside complex being built nearby.
Bosses at the Guildhall lodged a planning application to convert part of the first floor into a gym.
More 'exciting' changes are also planned by the centre, although no details have yet been revealed.

Following the store closures, the Guildhall put out a statement on Facebook to put down rumours the centre was shutting down.
It said: "There seem to be lots of rumours circulating about the Guildhall at the moment.
"To clarify the current situation - No we're absolutely not closing, we're just getting ready for some new and exciting changes.
"We can't say too much at the moment, but work will be starting soon to bring you a new and improved Guildhall. So watch this space."

This week, centre manager George Demetriou said one replacement had already been found for one of the units which would create 12 jobs, but he could not reveal who the company was.
He added others were interested in taking on the other stores and details would be confirmed in the coming weeks.
"There is quite a lot going on here at the moment and we will be making further announcements soon," he said.
"The landlords are putting together a large capital expenditure plan to refurbish the centre and rejuvenate it.
"Plans are already in for the gym.
"It is just unfortunate we have lost some tenants going down to the Riverside.
"It was hoped the new development would bring in new brands to the town rather than taking existing ones.
"That was the biggest disappointment with Riverside that there was not an agreement to stop the developers picking up present retailers, not just from us but the high street as well.
"But we are working with the town centre partnership to move things on here and bring in new retailers.
"It is not a case of them and us we are trying to work as a whole town centre."
He added: "We remain positive about the future of the Guildhall and Stafford Town Centre with the military coming back and the new housing.
"That is the message I went to get across."