Express & Star

AUDIO: 'They'll get drunk, fight and snort drugs': Council boss quits over slur on Stafford soldiers

A council boss who sparked outrage by claiming new troops moving to Stafford would get drunk, start fights and take cocaine has resigned, it has been revealed.


Tony Potts, licensing manager at Stafford Borough Council, has now quit his job after a backlash against his controversial comments.

Norman Jones, the council's head of policy and improvement, said: "I can confirm that he has resigned from his post at the council. He went of his own volition, he received no pay-off, and simply went after considering his position."

The decision was today welcomed by the town's military community.

Former squadron leader Denis Skelland, Royal British Legion Stafford branch welfare officer and a divisional secretary for SSAFA Forces Help, said: "I welcome his decision to resign. I was appalled when I heard his comments.

"As someone who served for 34 years in the air force and then has worked for forces charities ever since, I know there is robust drugs testing regime and that if someone fails then they are dismissed. It was the drugs comment that really got to me as I thought it was outrageous to taint the soldiers in this way."

Mr Skelland finished his military career in the country town in charge of storage and distribution at MOD Stafford and later sat on the licensing committee as a borough councillor for eight years. He added: "I found these comments radical and inappropriate. It was highly-irresponsible and so I think he has done the right thing by going."

Around 1,000 new troops from the 16 Signal Regiment and 1 Armoured Division Signal Regiment are relocating to the county town from Germany and more than £150 million is being invested by the Ministry of Defence at Beacon Barracks.

The Express & Star revealed last week that Mr Potts said there was a 'drugs problem' in the Army and nightspots in the town were already against letting servicemen in.

He said: "There are young lads with a lot of money in their pockets, a few beers, a shot or two of cocaine, away we go." A recording of the council's licensing committee meeting including the comments was posted on the authority's website.

After the backlash Mr Potts said: "I apologise unreservedly for the comments. It was never my intention to make any slur on our soldiers."