Express & Star

War veteran who fought of burglar says attacker is 'lowest of the low'

A war veteran fought off a burglar with his walking stick after the thief broke into his Kingswinford home.


Tom Bull, aged 88, was asleep in a chair in his living room when the crook forced his way into the bungalow through a window.

The great-great grandfather was awoken after hearing a noise and went to see what was happening when he came across the burglar is his hallway.

He said: "I saw a flash of light. I thought it came from outside. I got up and went to have a look and as I came through the door I met him in the hallway."

A struggle ensued and he homeowner suffered cuts to his arms as he was restrained. He reached for his walking stick to try to protect himself.

"I think he was as surprised as I was," Mr Bull said.

"We had a bit of a grapple. We came in the front room, I got hold of my stick and gave him a right old smack. He knocked me out of the way."

The intruder quickly made his exit without taking anything, going out back through the window he entered.

He was left shaken by the attack, which happened shortly after midnight on Sunday, but not too badly hurt.

Mr Bull, who served with the Welsh Guards during the Second World War, said: "I was a little bit shook up but I'm alright. I didn't sleep afterwards. The police came, and the paramedics."

The brave pensioner suffers with angina and has to receive oxygen, and has problems with his hearing and vision, but was determined to get the burglar out of his house.

He said: "All I was interested in was getting him out. He said 'don't hit me' - then I walloped him.

"I should like to meet him properly. He's the lowest of the low."

Mr Bull said he didn't get a clear look at his attacker but believes his face may have been covered.

His front window had been prised open and the security light outside his front door was covered over.

Detective Constable Richard Hall, of West Midlands Police, who is investigating the case, said: "Fortunately his injuries will heal and he shouldn't suffer any long-term ill effects.

"He is quite resilient, but it was still a shocking experience for him.

"Nothing was stolen during the break-in, but we need to catch the offender to prevent this happening to anyone else, so I am asking anyone who saw anything suspicious to contact me on 101."