Woman suffers spanner attack at home by sibling gang
Three siblings from the Black Country have been jailed for a ferocious attack on a woman in her own home.

Hayley Billing, aged 36, was left with a fractured arm, fractured ribs, a spiral fracture of the tibia, a laceration to a finger and facial bruising at the hands of Sherie, Liam and Jason Lunn from Oldbury.
Care worker Sherie, aged 21, beat Miss Billing relentlessly with an adjustable spanner, inflicting the most serious injuries at her home in Langley.
But Judge Michael Challinor branded her brother Liam, 21, as 'the prime mover' in the incident on December 5 last year. In November, he had also smashed windows at Miss Billing's home and on December 3 he had beaten her, the court heard.
The third sibling, Jason Lunn, 27, said he was woke by his sister and alerted to the December 5 altercation. He admitted striking Miss Billing in the face.
The court heard how Miss Billing was friends with Liam and Jason.
Addressing Liam and Sherie, Judge Challinor said: "This was a truly ferocious attack on Hayley Billing." Addressing Jason Lunn, he said: "You were not the instigator – you were brought in by others.."
At Stafford Crown Court, Liam Lunn, of Giles Road, Oldbury, admitted charges of criminal damage on November 21, assault by beating on December 3 and inflicting grievous bodily harm with intent on December 5. Sherie Lunn admitted inflicting grievous bodily harm with intent. Both were jailed for seven years. Jason Lunn, of Barston Road, Oldbury, admitted assaulting Miss Billing on December 5, causing her actual bodily harm and was sentenced to 12-months in jail.
Mr Carl Templar-Vasey, defending Liam, said his client was ashamed of his actions. Miss Blondelle Thompson, defending Sherie, said her client offered her apologies.