Express & Star

Leaders and MPs filled with praise for Ladder for Staffordshire campaign

Business leaders and politicians praised the Express & Star-led Ladder for Staffordshire campaign as it was introduced to the county's enterprise bosses.


More than 700 businessmen and women attended Uttoxeter Racecourse yesterday where the team behind the apprenticeship campaign made its first public appearance.

Dozens of inquiries were made to the stand which was taking pledges from businesses to take on apprentices.

More than 50 apprenticeships have already been created after this week's launch.

Staffordshire MP Andrew Griffiths, who was born in Sedgley, visited the stand and praised the campaign.

He said: "I think the Ladder for Staffordshire is an incredible vehicle to bring employment and new opportunities for young people across the county and the West Midlands.

"It has the potential to make many people benefit and will be a great help to businesses who are looking for support to grow.

Gill Durkin and Rob Colbourne from Peformance Through People pictured with Express & Star apprentice Tom Oakley

"Everyone benefits from the Ladder and I am totally behind it and pleased to say it has come to Staffordshire."

The Ladder for Staffordshire is a partnership between the Express & Star, training provider Performance Through People (PTP), Walsall-based charity The Vine Trust, and the Staffordshire Chambers of Commerce.

Staffordshire County Council and Stoke-on-Trent City Council are also on board.

There are 2,000 young people across Staffordshire who are out of work and claiming jobseekers allowance.

We are asking businesses of all sizes to take on at least one apprentice and get young people into work with training. And we are urging young people to grab these opportunities.

Also supporting the Ladder campaign yesterday was Staffordshire Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner Sue Arnold.

She said: "Anything we can do to encourage businesses to get on board with apprenticeships is crucial. Apprenticeships are beneficial to young people and to businesses. It is a win-win situation."

Staff from PTP manned the stall and handed out copies of the Express & Star which featured a front page story as well as a four page special pull-out on the new scheme.

Rob Colbourne, Lucie Donegan, Gill Durkin, Val Gilston, and Kevin Davis at the launch of the Ladder for Staffordshire at the Lets Do Business event in Uttoxeter

She said: "It went very well. Everybody says it is a great idea and the response was fantastic."

Vine Trust chief executive Kevin Davis addressed the packed exhibition hall at the racecourse.

He said: "This is a campaign that has expanded from the Black Country into Staffordshire.

"It is a simple concept and one that can change young people's lives. These young people will be part of your future. So I urge all businesses to come and be part of this great campaign."

In the first 24 hours of our Ladder for Staffordshire scheme, an incredible 52 apprenticeships have been created with roles varying from engineering to dental nursing.

They include two at Burntwood-based The Hammerman Plastic Piling, seven at Lichfield-based Palletways, three at Arnold Clark branches, and 14 at Portmeirion Pottery in Stoke.

Bhandal Dental Practices, which has 60 practices across the region, is taking on 12 apprentices. The campaign has been rolled out after the success of the Ladder for the Black Country which has seen nearly 500 apprenticeships created since September.

The Duke of York is the patron of the Ladder for Staffordshire and the Ladder for the Black Country.

Chancellor George Osborne also praised the new scheme.

Mr Osborne said: "This new Ladder builds on the success of the Ladder for the Black Country and will ensure young people across the Midlands get the best opportunities and training to get their foot on the job ladder."

To get an apprenticeship or to take on an apprentice go to www.ladderforstafford or call 03332 409 699.