£22million Wolverhampton Civic Centre revamp branded a disgrace
Express & Star readers have slammed council plans to revamp Wolverhampton's Civic Centre at a cost of £22 million.

Three floors of the council's Civic Centre will be refurbished as part of the scheme, which bosses at the city council say is essential so that the building can remain operational.
Money will also be spent on repairing the building's multi-storey car park.
According to a report which was attached to the plans, failure to revamp the 37-year-old Civic Centre could have major consequences, with the building being described as having 'reliability issues'.
Council bosses say they have gone for the 'do minimum' option, with a plan to replace the Civic Centre with a new building at an alternative location thrown out as it would have cost in excess of £50m for the new HQ alone.
They say they are expecting to save more than £500,000 a year over the long term as a result of the scheme, labelled 'future space'.
However, Express & Star readers have had their say on the matter with several having their say on the newspaper's website.
They describe the sum as 'disgraceful' and claim the decision has 'all the hallmarks of a vanity project'.
One reader, Biff, stated on the Express & Star website: "So to save £500k a year, they will spend £22m – a scheme with a break even payback of 44 years.
"Do they have the funds for this to pay outright, or is it via loans, which even at low interest will add considerably to the £22m."
Biff added that jobs were currently being lost at the council, and said it was 'disgraceful' sum being spend on refurbishment.
The reader said: "In 44 years time I guess the offices will need another refurbishment – and so the merry go round begins again.
"Try and paint it whatever way they like but people are losing their jobs at Wolverhampton council and then they see a disgraceful sum being spent on making their own environment more pleasant."
PJW Holland commented: "This decision needs to be examined along with the other demands on the authority.
"This has all the hallmarks of a pointless vanity project.
"The site would be better occupied by a multi-screen cinema development."
Other readers said that the necessary closure of the Civic Centre car park would be the 'death knell' for shops in the city.
Robbin Brittain said: "If the Civic Centre car park is completely closed for twelve months this will sound the death knell for more shops.
"Central government should intervene before the city is ruined."