Pistol-whipped Wolverhampton shopkeeper feared for his life during armed robbery
Armed robbers wielding a fake gun and a machete pistol-whipped a shopkeeper, a court heard.

Victim Zemnako Azad Salih, owner of the Sam Euro Style off-licence, feared for his life during the attack, Wolverhampton Crown Court was told.
Zubair Khan, aged 27, of Seymour Road, Oldbury; Ashley Haughton, 27, of Great Hampton Street, Whitmore Reans; and Isaac Frazer, 33, of Newbridge Street, Whitmore Reans; all deny charges of robbery, possession of an imitation firearm, and possession of an offensive weapon.
The jury heard how Mr Salih had been visiting friends who lived above his Newhampton Road, Whitmore Reans, store in the early hours of December 13 when he was set upon by two men.
As well as taking about £2,700 in cash from his pockets, they also took his car keys, it was said.
A third man was acting as a look-out on the street, the court heard, and after fleeing the scene, chased by witnesses, all three were caught by police just minutes later.
Miss Cathlyn Orchard, prosecuting, said: "This was a planned, targeted, joint offence.
"They knew Mr Salih's method of working was to close up at that time, and they knew he would have money. They had been watching. They planned this."
As Mr Salih walked down the alley near his shop after leaving the flat, Miss Orchard said he was confronted by two men - Frazer with an imitation pistol, and Haughton, who had covered his face with a scarf, with a machete.
"Frazer pistol-whipped Mr Salih. He hit him over the head with the gun and caused him a lot of pain and caused him a nasty wound to his head," she said.
Miss Orchard said Haughton's DNA was recovered from the scarf, which was discarded at the scene, and from the handle of the machete which was thrown into Khan's car.
Mr Salih, aged 33, was the first witness to take the stand and described his ordeal through a Kurdish interpreter.
He said: "The first man was sitting when I got there, straight away he stood up and got the pistol to my head.
"He grabbed my neck and held the gun to my head and he hit me with the pistol. In that time my life was in danger and I couldn't really concentrate.
"He put the gun to my head and said 'give us the car and the money and we are not going to kill you'. I screamed and I said 'I will not give you a penny'.
"The one with the pistol in his hand, he was hitting me on top of the head and I was bleeding, I couldn't see properly. I panicked and lay down on the floor and the one with the pistol in his hand took my wallet and my car key off me.
"I was bleeding very badly, blood was pouring. That was when I did not feel I had any more strength, I could not defend myself."
After the pair ran toward Mr Salih's car, he yelled to his friends' for help, then went out to his van to stop the men, the court heard.
Mr Salih's blood was found on the front of the car, on the passenger's seat, and the driver's side door, as well as on Frazer and Haughton's clothes.
The trial continues.