Staffordshire homes set for go ahead despite objections
Plans for more than 70 homes on a former school site in Rugeley could be poised to get council support – despite concerns over access.
An outline application for the transformation of the old Pear Tree Community Primary is to be considered by councillors.
A total of 72 properties are planned for the land which has become overgrown and would see an area of green space for residents created.
Members of Cannock Chase Council's planning committee are to consider initial proposals into access on the housing estate on Wednesday. A further full application is then to be discussed in the future.
Rugeley Town Council has raised concerns over the proposed front entrance at Wharf Road and the capabilities to cope with traffic.
Brereton and Ravenhill Parish Council has also voiced objections over the impact it will have on road users in the area.
A report to the committee says the impact on the area of conservation and issues raised by the councils are amongst the determining factors.
It states: "Essentially, the site consists of two arms of development around the existing dwellings in Curxon Place. The former school was demolished some years ago and the remaining disused playing fields are now overgrown.
"The proposal is for outline planning permission for a residential development of up to 72 dwellings with all matters reserved for subsequent approval apart from access.
"The main vehicular access would be from Wharf Road although some dwellings would have frontages on to Hardie Avenue.
"The developer will provide for 20 per cent affordable homes. The detailed mix and size of affordable accommodation will be defined at the reserved matters stage in accordance with the proposed affordable housing condition."
In relation to the road access concerns it adds: "The highways authority is satisfied that it provides a suitable access."