Express & Star

'I feared for my life': Police officer left clinging to petrol thief's car as it sped off, court hears

A police officer thought he was going to be killed as he tried to stop a banned driver stealing fuel from a petrol station, a judge heard.


Pc Christopher Howell was clinging to a stolen Citroen C4 as it accelerated off the garage forecourt of the Co-op in Dudley Port, Wolverhampton Crown Court was told.

But he was forced to throw himself clear of the car after realising he would be struck by a nearby parked vehicle, revealed Mr David Iles, prosecuting.

"The officer could see he would be knocked from the Citroen and so broke free and rolled across the forecourt as the driver left at speed," said Mr Illes.

Pc Howell was taken to hospital for treatment to cuts and bruises and later admitted: 'I feared for my life,' the court heard.

He had been on patrol when spotting the petrol pump was feeding fuel through a rear window of the Citroen into a large container.

Driver Craig Williams, of Colbourne Road, Tipton, saw him coming and sped off abandoning his accomplice who was left holding the fuel pump.

Mr Iles explained: "The car left with wheels spinning and the officer hanging on while shouting for the driver to stop."

The £2,000 Citroen was on false registration plates and had been stolen by 40-year-old Williams from Great Bridge Cars in Great Bridge Street on September 2.

Mr Iles said: "He asked to look under the bonnet while the engine was running, leapt into the driver's seat and sped off with the bonnet still up and the price board in the window. The salesman had a split second to get out of the way."

Williams stole two other cars in carbon copy thefts from MJC Motors in Queens Road, Smethwick and Cars and Commercial at Stallings Lane, Kingswinford on September 18 and 30 respectively, the court was told

They were sold to fund his drug habit but he kept the Citroen and used it to escape after stealing a £70 drill from B&Q at Mucklow Hill, Halesowen on September 8, narrowly missing staff.

Mr Jasvir Mann, defending, said father of two Williams had never intended to injure Pc Howell and added: "He stole to fund his illicit addiction rather than to enrich himself."

The defendant pleaded guilty to assaulting the police officer, theft, dangerous driving and driving while disqualified and was jailed for two years nine months by Recorder John Edwards who also banned him from driving for three years.