Express & Star

Lovers' spat sent driver round bend - and into bus stop - causing £12,000 damage

A lovers' spat sent a driver round the bend into a bus shelter causing £12,000 damage – and wrecked their relationship, a judge heard.


Wayne Bennett lost control when his angry girlfriend wrenched the steering wheel from his grasp as they argued, Wolverhampton Crown Court was told.

The Vauxhall Vectra veered off Wolverhampton Road, demolished the bus shelter and wrote off the car, explained Mr Paul Reid, prosecuting. And to make matters worse, the 33-year-old had taken the vehicle from a close friend without permission when disaster struck in the early hours of September 6, the court heard.

Mr Reid continued: "A woman who saw the bus shelter lying destroyed around the car was surprised to witness the Vectra suddenly drive away from the wreckage at speed. The couple travelling in it had been involved in an argument when the defendant lost control."

The vehicle was later found abandoned in nearby Hurst Road, Bilston and Bennett admitted taking the ignition key from the home of its owner when traced, it was said.

Mr Anthony Bell, defending, said: "There is no suggestion that his driving was anything other than proper until his girlfriend pulled on the steering wheel.

"That was the end of the relationship."

The £1,800 car was a write off and it cost £9,975 to rebuild the bus shelter.

Bennett from Parkes Lane, Tipton pleaded guilty to aggravated vehicle taking and driving with neither insurance nor a licence. He was given a 12 month community order, banned from driving for 18 months, ordered to pay £1,940 in compensation and costs and told to do 80 hours unpaid work.

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