Oldbury cameras funded by criminals to deter misbehaviour
Money seized from criminals will be spent on CCTV cameras to deter anti-social behaviour in Oldbury.

Traders in Langley approached their neighbourhood policing team with concerns about crime and anti-social behaviour in the High Street and at Langley Park.
Working together they have secured £4,000 from the West Midlands Police Property Act fund which offers community groups money gathered through the proceeds of crime.
Along with investment from traders the money will help pay for eight high definition cameras to be installed in the area.
PCSO John McNally, who has worked in Langley for 10 years, said: "Over the last six months we have had a number of incidents in the park and had a few on the High Street.
"Largely it is just groups of youths hanging around causing problems for traders and being a pain in the backside. But there has also been alcohol and drug misuse."
It is hoped the cameras will be installed within the next three to four weeks.
PCSO McNally paid tribute to local traders including Chris flood from the Sandwell Irish Community Association and Sue Hutchings who runs the New Henry Street Tenants and Residents Association.
He added: "This is a fantastic all-round effort by the community of Langley. The local neighbourhood policing team took on its concerns in an effort to promote Langley as a safe place to live, shop and work for everyone.
"The new CCTV will really make a huge difference and give the local community as well as people visiting the area reassurance."
Once operating it is hoped the new cameras will help prevent crime and well as catch criminals.

"Firstly, we are hoping the new cameras will make people think twice about their actions and with a bit of luck encourage trouble makers to stay away all together," explained PCSO McNally.
"Secondly, from a policing point of view, when offences do occur we will have a far better chance of identifying the offenders and of coming out with a positive result.
"There should also help boost the confidence of traders here."