Express & Star

New Oldbury primary school would create 200 places

The preferred site for a new primary school which would create more than 200 new places in Oldbury has been revealed.


Officials at St Hubert's Primary School in Wolverhampton Road say it needs to relocate to a larger site to allow more children in the area to join.

But there are fears the chosen site could lead to the closure of a pathway used by more than 100 parents at another school nearby.

An application to create a new two form facility in Moat Road, which would allow the school to double its pupil intake, has been lodged with planning bosses.

The extra provision of school places has been welcomed but news of the potential development has caused concern among parents at Moat Farm Infant School who used the passage.

Oldbury councillor Steven Frear said: "There is a 70-year-old pathway in Moat Road that would be effectively closed. Parents cut through and can see their children have got to school safely.

"They will have to make the decision, 'can I get the kids to school and get on with the rest of my day or should I just take the car?', which is going to put more traffic on the roads.

"Parents are already up in arms. It closed for a week last year and parents were arguing and shouting at each other."

Councillor Frear, who represents the Bristnall ward, said he was hopeful a solution could be agreed to suit everybody.

He said: "The reality is it is a simple adjustment, bring it to the left by four or five feet and the pathway can remain open.

"As a local councillor I welcome the extra school places - brilliant, bring it on. Everybody wants it but the only stumbling block is this pathway."

The proposed new site in Moat Lane lies a mile away from the school. Officials say dozens of families have to be turned away each year, which forced it to consider expanding.

Once the St Hubert's has completed its move, there are plans to create a new school at the building - which education chiefs say will boost school places in the area further.

A report submitted with the planning application said: "The school is currently annually oversubscribed and without adequate long term provision elsewhere locally, there is a need for extra primary school places here.

"The proposed development has been designed a replacement school for St. Hubert's, allowing them to expand to a two form entry facility, and satisfy this local need for primary places."

The school's move forms part of Sandwell Council's £15 million plan to improve facilities, including classrooms, at primary schools, to allow them to accommodate more children.