School improvement plan meeting after damning Ofsted report
Walsall's children's services scrutiny panel will receive an update on the borough's school improvement plan in the wake of a damming Ofsted report.

An independent board was set up last year by Walsall Council to help drive up standards at struggling schools.
Councillor Eddie Hughes, scrutiny panel chairman, said: "There are a range of new developments under way in children's services and it is important that as a scrutiny panel we have the opportunity to explore these and ensure that appropriate progress is being made.
"School improvement is at a crucial stage and the panel will be discussing the latest actions.
"Working groups are an excellent way for members to delve deeply into an area of children's services and learn all we can about what children, young people, families and staff think about the support we provide."
The meeting takes place on Tuesday at 6pm at Walsall Council House in Lichfield Street.
Members of the public are welcome to attend.