Express & Star

Fizzogs back with 2015 calendar

Those cheeky dancing grannies, whose dance routine turned into an online sensation, are back and branching out with a brand new calendar for 2015.


The ladies, Hilda, Ruby, Letty and May, played by Deb Nicholls, Emma Rollason, Sue Hawkins and Jackie Fellows from the Fizzogs comedy troupe, became internet stars when a video of them performing a mash-up routine of Beyonce's Single Ladies and Flo Rida's Low at the Stourbridge Carnival was shared more than 1.5 million times on Facebook.

The Black Country group's calendar, which is available now, features the grannies and other Fizzog faces in various situations throughout the year.

March sees them become 'blue rinse watch' as they ride around with the West Midlands Fire Service while September sees them banged up at Her Majesty's pleasure.

Deb Nicholls, aged 42, from Wollaston, said: "We started doing the calendars around three years ago and they featured various other characters from our shows.

"This year we decided to feature the dancing grannies because of the fantastic year they have had with the video going viral."

Miss Nicholls said the grannies have actually been a part of the group's act for ten years and the dance routine is actually a part of a larger sketch.

"We have been doing the grannies for years which I don't think people realise," she said. "The dance is part of a bigger sketch where the ladies talk about Christmas but because the dance part is so visual we decided to use it to promote ourselves."

Miss Nicholls said it is hard for her to pick a favourite month from the calendar but one stands out for her.

"I do like January," she said. "It is a black and white picture of the grannies when they were younger, which is obviously just us out of costume, sat on a park bench.

"Then below that is a picture of them looking grumpy on the same bench now. The contrast between the two pictures is great.

"The grannies are still really popular and we have a lot of new stuff coming up including a new tour, so stay tuned."

The calendar costs £6.99 plus postage and packaging and can be bought online at