Express & Star

Golden memories of Wolves star Frank Munro

They were both Wolves legends, racking up trophies and a combined total of just over 600 games for the club.


Winger Dave Wagstaffe, famed for his distinctive dribbling style, made 324 appearances for the club between 1964 and 1976, while centre back Frank Munro wore the gold and black 296 times between 1968 and 1977.

Wagstaffe released his autobiography, Waggy's Tales, in 2008 – and his final project before he died of cancer in August last year at the age of 70, was to tell his former teammate's life story.

Frank Munro, who died in 2011, aged 63, was living in a Wednesfield nursing home when he approached Wagstaffe for help after reading Waggy's Tales.

During his many visits to the home the men would chat about old times and Waggy would write it down on sheets of A4 paper.

He would then hand them on to a former sports journalist friend Express and Star sports editor Steve Gordos, and together they put together the story of Frank's life.

Sadly both ex-players died before the book, called 'Franks for the Memories' could be published, but Steve took over the project single-handedly and was determined to see it in print.

He said: "I had to do a fair bit of research in old newspaper archives to complete the book and Waggy was so looking forward to being published.

"Then he was taken ill and sadly died last year. It was a big shock."

As part of Wagstaffe's dying wish, £1,000 out of its proceeds has been made to The Stroke Association charity, which helped Munro, who suffered a stroke in 1994, in his later years.

His partner Val Williams said: "Waggy would have been so pleased and so proud not only with how the book has turned out but also with how it has helped The Stroke Association.

"Waggy was taken ill early last year and passed away that summer and had been one of the coffin bearers at Frank's funeral a couple of years earlier.

"It is so sad that neither of them are around to see the fruits of their efforts but it is such a lovely tribute to them."

The book gives a revealing insight on Molineux life in the second half of the 1960s and most of the 1970s.

Ms Williams said: "The two of them were great mates as players and again after Frank came back to this country after living for many years in Australia.

"He did a lot of caring for him, as did some of the other Wolves players, and loved chatting over his life and career with him for the book."

Proceeds from the book, which is available via Wolves Retail and is dedicated to Waggy's partner Val Williams, will go to the Stroke Association.

A similar donation will be made to cancer-related charities in memory of Dave and the publishers also hope to give a further sum to charity if sales permit.

Wolves face the camera before the start of the 1973-74 season. Back, from left: Derek Jefferson, Ken Hibbitt, Gerry Taylor, Frank Munro, Derek Dougan, Steve Kindon, Alan Sunderland, Sammy Chung. Middle: Derek Parkin, Peater Eastoe, Steve Daley, Phil Parkes, Gary Pierce, John McAlle, Geoff Palmer, John Richards Front: Jimmy Kelly, Dave Wagstaffe, Barry Powell, Bill McGarry, Mike Bailey, Danny Hegan, Jim McCalliog.