Express & Star

Walsall Manor Hospital boosts staff and brings in extra beds to cope

Staff levels will be boosted and extra beds will be available to help cope with winter pressures at Walsall Manor Hospital, a new report has revealed.


A winter plan had been drawn up by bosses at Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust, which includes creating capacity for an additional 30 bed unit, which is expected to become operational next month.

A report to the Trust board said there were also plans to increase porters by adding six members of staff to allow for greater flexibility and rapid response during periods of significant pressure.

Until the new 30-bed unit is opened next month, extra beds will be provided on other wards where necessary, including ward eight, 20c and the endoscopy ward would be utilised as a last resort.

The situation is expected to be kept under constant review.

The report to the Trust board said: "Opening of additional capacity beds will not be taken as a last minute decision, but reviewed formally by capacity team and site manager throughout the day and night.

"Opportunities to close these additional beds will be considered and taken on a regular basis."

A community nursing rapid response team will be on hand to help keep down hospital admissions where possible and the evening and night service offered between 10pm and 8am will include an additional band five nurse.

Driver arrangements will also be modified by transforming the driver role into a driver and health care assistant role.

Other arrangements to cope with extra pressure include ensuring catering service arrangements and housekeeping support are in place.

All front line staff will be offered the flu vaccine and packs are to be issued to wards offering advice about norovirus winter vomiting bug, while provision will be available for mobile sinks for up to four weeks.

Walsall Council's health chief, Councillor Ian Robertson, was also due to hold talks with bosses at Manor Hospital this week to find out how the authority can work with the NHS Trust to drive down emergency admissions.

The Pleck Road hospital, which has had to cope with an increase in patients from Staffordshire, had to deal with 15 per cent more patients in 2012/13, a nine per cent increase the year after and two per cent this year in the period up to September.

It was revealed earlier this year that Walsall Manor Hospital was fined £120,000 because patients waiting in the accident and emergency department had not been seen quickly enough.

The trust was told to pay the cash for failing to meet its four hour target between July and September this year.