Express & Star

Multi-million mothballed maternity unit to come back into use to stop bed-blocking

A multi-million pound maternity unit at Kidderminster Hospital that has been mothballed since 2003 could soon be used to ease bed-blocking.


People fit to leave hospital but who do not have suitable help at home may soon be able to go to Kidderminster for mid-term care if the disused unit is brought into use, former MP and consultant Dr Richard Taylor claims.

Proposals being put forward by representatives of Wyre Forest Clinical Commissioning Group, Worcestershire Hospitals Acute Trust and Worcestershire County Council could see care provided in the former maternity unit.

The unit cost several million pounds to build but was never fully opened and Wyre Forest mothers-to-be have for several years gone to the Alexandra at Redditch or Worcestershire Royal Hospital to give birth. Since then the premises have remained idle.

Hospital services campaigner Dr Taylor believes that the premises would be ideal if integrated intermediate care was provided in the town.

He said: "These services are designed to provide time-limited interventions at a point in a person's life where this will restore or avoid a loss of independence and confidence, or reduce the risk of hospital admission or a longer stay in hospital.

"This is a very worthwhile project, but it must be provided by the National Health Service to achieve integration.

"Going out to tender would mean offering this to the private sector which immediately negates any form of integration as this would be a provider separate from the NHS.

"Proposals which would see the redevelopment of empty space on the Kidderminster Hospital site would see the top floor of an existing block used.

"That was meant for the consultant obstetric unit that we have never had.

"This is a huge opportunity for building up what is going on at Kidderminster and using vacant premises.

"Kidderminster and Redditch already face the loss of the offices of PALS, the patient Advice and Liaison Service.

"These are are the first port of call for people with questions, comments and complaints about their health care but are to be closed and moved to Worcester."