Helpless man's head stamped on and kicked, court hears
A man was stamped on the face and kicked in the head as he lay helplessly on the ground after two groups of revellers clashed in a town centre, a judge heard.

The victim was pushed over in Lichfield Street, Walsall at 4am on December 20, Wolverhampton Crown Court was told yesterday.
Mr Kevin Jones, prosecuting, explained: "He hit his head as he fell back off the pavement into the road and from that moment offered no resistance."
Jamie Edwards then stepped forward and stamped on the face of the man before aiming a kick at him, the court heard. Other people also attacked the prostrate victim.
See also: Man's teeth kicked loose and head stamped on in Walsall bar brawl.
The incident was seen by people monitoring CCTV coverage of the area who sent police to investigate, continued Mr Jones.
The victim would not make a complaint and discharged himself before receiving treatment at hospital but 25-year-old Edwards was recognised from the security film footage and arrested at the scene.
Mr Gurdeep Garcha, defending, said: "This was a disgraceful episode of drunken violence by people on a night out. He was not looking for trouble and was on his way home when the man who became the victim actually started the disturbance. That person was then pushed over by somebody else before the defendant became involved. It was not premeditated violence."
Edwards from Schofield Avenue, West Bromwich pleaded guilty to assault and was jailed for four months by Judge Michael Dudley who told him: "You are extremely fortunate that the injuries suffered were relatively minor. It could have been far worse, possibly a fatality."