Residents urged to have say as Walsall Council plans to save £85m
A cash-strapped council has launched a consultation on its budget as bosses prepare proposals to save £85million over the next four years.
Householders and businesses in Walsall are being asked which services they would choose to protect, reduce or cease.
From September 1 to 29, council staff will be available at the First Stop Shop and libraries to capture people's feedback.
Councillor Sean Coughlan said: "The council has already saved £75 million over the last four years and I'm sure there are more efficiencies still to be made – but realistically we are going to need fundamental changes in the way local services are provided.
"We need help in making some difficult decisions. This could be the toughest year yet of savings.
"Some services will remain, some will be run differently and some will have to cease. Some things that have been free we may need to charge for and where there are already charges these may increase."
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In phase two of the budget consultation, when the draft budget proposals are published, Walsall Council will be seeking the comments of residents and businesses through to February 2015.