Wednesbury pub reopens after £10k revamp
A security guard turned landlord has reopened a Black Country pub after spending £10,000 on a revamp.
The Roost pub, in Wednesbury, had been closed for the past six months until new landlord Dwayne Gordon took the helm.
He embarked on a makeover plan over the past six weeks to spruce up the well known pub, in Bilston Road.
First the inside bar was given a deep clean and the function room was also tidied up ahead of the opening.
It was then given a fresh lick of paint and decorated by Mr Gordon who took on the renovations himself.
The 33-year-old from Wolverhampton had spent years working in security before deciding on a career change.
He had always wanted to take over a pub and is delighted with the reaction that he has received so far.
"It has taken some time but I'm pleased with how it is looking at the moment," he said.
"There is still some work to do but I thought we should get open now to try and recoup some money.
"People have already said I've done more to the place since I took over than has been done in the past 20 years.
"My experience and background is in security and venue management. It was just something I wanted to do and is a new venture for me.
"I'm enjoying being my own boss instead of working for someone else for a change.
"I've spent around £10,000 so far but there is still a bit to do."