Express & Star

Concern growing for missing Burntwood man

Staffordshire Police are keen to hear of any sightings of Steven Edwards who has been missing for more than a week.

Steven Edwards

The 28-year-old from Cort Drive, Burntwood, has not been seen since Monday 11 August when he was sighted in the Heathrow are of London.

Steven is described as white, 5ft 9ins tall and has short, receding, fair hair. He is stocky and has a pale complexion. It is not known what he is wearing but is believed to be carrying a khaki brown rucksack.

Insp Rachel Joyce, of Lichfield District Local Policing Team, said: "Steven has not been seen or heard from for a week which is very out of character for him."

Anyone who has seen Steven or has any information on his whereabouts should contact Staffordshire Police on 101.