Express & Star

Longbow threat son in law jailed

A man burst through the doors of a crowded Cradley Heath pub armed with a bow and arrow and threatened to kill his father-in-law, a court heard.


Wolverhampton Crown Court was told the victim's nine-year-old son stood cowering in fear while Negib Hussain pulled back the string on his longbow in the Riddins Tavern.

Mr Mark Phillips, prosecuting, said 45-year-old Hussain stood a few feet away from the man and told him 'I want to kill you' during the incident on September 26.

He told the court the pair had been involved in a long running feud and had not spoken for the previous two years. Hussain was jailed for 25 months yesterday.

Mr Phillips said: "Their relationship had started to deteriorate when Hussain had a child with the man's daughter several years earlier.

"The man had difficulty accepting the relationship between Hussain and his daughter, but Hussain wanted to put matters right.

"He approached him and tried to show him photographs of his granddaughter on his mobile phone but he was rebuffed.

"Hussain was told he didn't deserve to be a father, which left him upset and angry."

The court heard Hussain returned to the pub in Mossvale Close a short time later carrying a longbow and a quiver filled with seven large, metal-tipped arrows.

"He stood a few feet away from the man, pulled back the bow and said 'I want to kill you'," added Mr Phillips.

The court was told Hussain was arrested the following day when police raided his house and recovered the longbow.

Describing the incident as 'an unfortunate occasion', Mr Timothy Pole, defending, said Hussain had been suffering from depression at the time of the incident.

"The breakdown of the relationship within the family has caused distress to the defendant and at this time he was unable to cope with rejection," he said.

"He had no ambition to carry out his threat and simply wanted to make himself heard in a way that was plainly wrong.

"It does not excuse what he did but partly explains why he snapped on this occasion."

Hussain, of Lawrence Lane, Cradley Heath, pleaded guilty to making a threat to kill and possessing a bladed article.