Express & Star

Campaigners in plea for urgent clean-up at site of former Stourbridge college

Smashed-up windows, damaged doors and fire-hit buildings – this is the state of a former college building which has been at the mercy of vandals.


Campaigners are calling for urgent action to tackle derelict buildings at the former Longlands School, in Stourbridge, following recent attacks.

Glass is strewn across the site which was until three years ago used by the old Stourbridge College and was once a school dating back to 1912.

Splintered door and window frames are discarded across the former site, off Brook Street, after a series of break-ins. Old chairs and tables are scattered around the site which were once used in classes.

Stourbridge MP Margot James and Ward Councillor Nicolas Barlow have been on tours of the site to see the extent of the problem.

They have met with officials from Birmingham Metropolitan College which has merged with Stourbridge College and now owns the land. It came after residents living nearby voiced their concerns in light of a spate of vandalism raids – including two arson attacks back in April.

Additional metal fencing was put up at the entrances and security patrols stepped up at the site surrounded by housing.

Councillor Barlow today said: "There seemed initially to be a perceived inactivity from the college by residents to do something.

"But after speaking to the college and visiting I know that is far from the truth.

"It is in an awful state at the moment. It is so sad to see it in the state that it is in.

"It was a very positive meeting with the college. We hope that there is a way to move forward, maybe redevelopment."

Residents and neighbours called for the former college building to be pulled down and replaced with homes. Police in Stourbridge have also been on the scene and have found youths hanging around on the site.