Express & Star

New Walsall trees wrecked by vandals

Vandals have snapped up to a dozen trees which were newly planted on fields in Walsall.


It is the latest vandal attack in the borough.

The trees, at Aldridge Airfield, were planted by volunteers and were discovered snapped in half over the weekend.

It comes just days after a memorial tree for a school boy was vandalised at Walsall Arboretum.

Nine-year-old Jamie Cartwright died from an infection caused by dust from building work inside Birmingham Children's Hospital while he was receiving follow-up treatment after twice overcoming leukaemia.

The tree was planted in his memory at Walsall Arboretum but was vandalised last week. It is to be replaced by Walsall Council.

Leisure chief Councillor Anthony Harris said: "It is so sad that vandals have destroyed the efforts of volunteers who have worked so hard improve the environment for all our communities by planting trees up at Aldridge Airport.

"The damaged trees will be trimmed to see if new growth can be encouraged and meanwhile I urge anyone with any information to report it to the police."

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